New York Court Websites with Opinions, Decisions and Orders Online Decisions from Court Websites Court of Appeals Appellate Divisions First Department Second Department Third Department Fourth Department Online Official Reports from New York State Reporter: New York Official Reports Decisions New York State Reporter Court of Appeals DecisionsCivil Motions Appellate Division, First Department DecisionsMotions Appellate Division, Second Department DecisionsMotions Appellate Division, Third Department DecisionsMotions Appellate Division, Fourth Department DecisionsMotions Other Courts Decisions Findlaw - Westlaw database offering Court of Appeals decisions since 1992, and other decisions, for free. LexisONE - Commercial Database where those who register can obtain free New York Appellate Decisions covering the last five years. Legal Information Institute - Cornell University site
Court Websites Upstate 4th Judicial District Clinton, Essex, Franklin, Fulton, Hamilton, Montgomery, Saratoga, Schenectady, St. Lawrence, Warren, & Washington Counties 6th Judicial District Broome, Chemung, Chenango, Cortland, Delaware, Madison, Otsego, Schuyler, Tioga, & Tompkins Counties 7th Judicial District Cayuga, Livingston, Monroe, Ontario, Geneva, Seneca, Steuben, Hornell, Wayne, & Yates Counties
New York Divorce County Specific Divorce Information from courts that provide county-specific online divorce information New York City Bronx County Information on contested and uncontested matrimonial (divorce) actions in Bronx County. Links available to FAQs, forms, flowcharts, checklists, and procedures. Kings County (Brooklyn) Information on contested and uncontested matrimonial (divorce) actions in Kings County (Brooklyn). Provides links to FAQs, local and statewide forms, and rules. New York County (Manhattan) Information on contested and uncontested matrimonial (divorce) actions. Information also available on local, reduced-fee mediation program for cases already in court. Queens County Information on contested and uncontested matrimonial actions (divorce) in Queens County. Link also available to local, reduced-fee mediation program for cases already in court. Richmond County (Staten Island) Provides contact information for clerk’s office. Eighth Judicial District — includes Allegany, Cattaraugus, Chautauqua, Erie (Buffalo), Genesee, Niagara, Orleans & Wyoming Counties (Provides links to forms for contested and uncontested divorces, Help Center information, Children Come First program, mediation and parenting coordination. Residents of Erie County (includes Buffalo) may also want to learn about the Expedited Matrimonial Part.) Nassau County-- Information on contested and uncontested divorce in Nassau County. Links to checklists, including one for common filing mistakes in uncontested cases, a time-line for contested divorce cases, information on alternate service (when you cannot locate your spouse), and more. Nassau is also home to an innovative Children Come First Program, where trained professionals help people to resolve parenting disputes early on in the divorce process. Onondaga County — includes Syracuse Provides contact information for clerk’s office, and for the Dedicated Matrimonial Part in Syracuse. The 5th Judicial District also provides a list of neutral evaluators and mediators for people with cases in court. Westchester County -- Links to Westchester-specific forms, Westchester rules, and to a mediation program for cases already in court.