Welcome to New York Divorce and Family Law ™ the website of The Law Firm of Joel R. Brandes, P.C., 43 West 43rd Street, Suite 34, New York, NY 10036. Telephone: 212-859-5079, email:[email protected]. Joel R. Brandes of the New York Bar is the author of the treatise Law and the Family New York, 2024-2025 Edition(12 volumes) (Thomson Reuters), Law and the Family New York Forms 2024 Edition (5 volumes)(Thomson Reuters), and the New York Matrimonial Trial Handbook, 2d Edition, (Bookbaby, 2025). His ”Law and the Family” column is a regular feature in the New York Law Journal. Background and qualifications. The Law Firm of Joel R. Brandes, P.C is the Law Firm for New York Appeals.™ Mr. Brandesconcentrates his practice on appeals in divorce, equitable distribution, custody, and family law cases, as well as post-judgment enforcement and modification proceedings. He also serves as counsel to attorneys with all levels of experience assisting them with their difficult appeals and litigated matters. Mr. Brandes has been recognized by the New York Appellate Division as a "noted authority and expert on New York family law and divorce.” Contact us to make an appointment. Scroll up for MenusScroll down for News
The Law Firm of Joel R. Brandes, P.C has represented clients in numerous appeals to the New York Court of Appeals and the Appellate Divisions and has drafted briefs for and acted as consultant to attorneys in many international child abduction cases, including cases in the United States Court of Appeals, and the United States Supreme Court. Mr. Brandes was counsel in the landmark New York Court of Appeals cases of Morone v Morone, Tucker v Tucker and McSparron v McSparron. Bari Brandes Corbin of the New York Bar is counsel to The Law Firm of Joel R. Brandes, P.C. She is the co-author of Law and the Family New York, Second Edition, Revised, Volumes 5 & 6 (Thomson-Reuters). Evan Barett Brandes of Sydney, Australia, a member of the New York, Massachusetts, and New South Wales, Australia Bars is counsel to the Firm. Mr. Brandes is the author of numerousbooks and articles about New York Divorce and Family Law. He writes Bits and Bytes™ a bi-monthly electronic newsletter for attorneys and judges. Recent issues are posted on this website.His companion website is devoted to the Trial of a Divorce and Custody Case. The United States Library of Congress has selected our website blog ( https://joelbrandes.blogspot.com/) for inclusion in the historic collection of Internet materials related to the Legal Blawgs Web Archive. They consider it to be an important part of this collection and the historical record. See https://www.loc.gov/item/lcwaN0038333/
The New York Matrimonial Trial Handbook 2d Edition (Bookbaby, 2024) by Joel R. Brandes of the New York Bar is now available at Bookbaby.This Second Edition includes changes in the law and important cases decided by the New York courts since the First Edition was published in 2017. It is current through September 1, 2024. It contains additional questions for the examination of witnesses, and covers the recent revisions to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5 TR) and the new APA Guidelines for Child Custody Evaluations. It is now available in a softcover edition at Bookbaby and can be pre-ordered at Amazonand Barnes & Noble. It is also available in ebook editions for kindle and ebook readers. The New York Matrimonial Trial Handbook 2d Edition includes (1) a new chapter titled Preserving the Right to Appeal; (2) 30 new sections; and (3) revisions to matrimonial court rules 22 NYCRR 202.16, 22 NYCRR 202.16-a, 22 NYCRR 202.16-b, and 22 NYCRR 202.18. The New York Matrimonial Trial Handbook 2d Edition (Bookbaby, 2024) is a “how to” book that focuses on the procedural and substantive law, and law of evidence you need to know for trying a matrimonial action and custody case. It has extensive coverage of the testimonial and documentary evidence necessary to meet the burdens of proof. There are thousands of suggested questions for the examination and cross-examination of the parties and expert witnesses. Click here to view Table of Contents
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