Briefs, Records and Appendices. Commencing with appeals perfected for the September 2021 Term, in addition to electronic filing, the Court will require the original and one copy (for a total of two hard copies) of records, appendices and briefs in civil appeals only to be filed with the clerk.
In all e-filed matters, the filing of such hard copies shall be delayed until receipt of email notification that the clerk has reviewed and approved the electronic version of the document. Once approved, the hard copies shall be filed within two business days of the notification (see Rule 1245.6[2]).
Motions and Original Proceedings. Motions and applications, and original proceedings shall be filed in digital form only (via NYSCEF or Digital Submission Portal). No hard copy submission is required.
Hyperlinks – NEW
Commencing with all appeals perfected for the September 2021 Term, the Court will accept, on a voluntary basis, briefs with hyperlinks to cited primary authorities (constitutions, case law, statutes, rules and regulations) available on Westlaw, Lexis, or state or federal government websites. Citations to secondary and other sources should not be hyperlinked. All citations (with or without hyperlinks) shall appear in standard citation form.
Electronic Filing
Matters Subject to Mandatory E-filing
All matters before the First Department, except original proceedings and attorney matters, are subject to mandatory e-filing via NYSCEF in accordance with the procedural and electronic filing rules of the Court.